Sunday, March 30, 2008

April 2

Year 10 - We are back to research. For full marks, please be thorough.

1. Research the history of communicating information and produce a timeline (3+ pages)
This section should include everything right from prehistoric times until the present day. You should explain the reasons behind your 30 most significant choices. Remember the purpose of your research is to look at communication methods see how they developed / evolved to fulfill a particular need. Also state any natural patterns that have occurred and if any previous method could be of influence in your final solution. Remember it is not a History project and your research must have purpose!

Your deadline for #1 is Monday at the end of class.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

March 31

Welcome Back Year 10 - We get to spend another fab term together.

This time we have a brand new blog to help us organize our time and ICT project.

During Term 3 you will be working on a special project - Communicating Information.

The problem is as follows:

Guincho is considered both one of the best and most dangerous windsurfing beaches in the world. How can we better communicate to people, once in the sea, about changes in weather and sea conditons?


Create a new method of communication that could be used by life guards or the general public. The system should be cheap to produce, easy to learn but complex enough to communicate a range of instructions. The system can be visual, audible, sensory, or a combination of these.

There you have it Year 10 - Term 3 in a nutshell. Keep your mind open and allow your creativity to drive your solution.

I can't wait to see what you come up with. Let's get started!