Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 30

Year 10

#'s 6 & 7 are due today at the end of class

April 30

Year 10 - Let's talk about Google Docs.

Sometimes students begin working on a school project (homework, classwork, group work) during class time and don't finish it. It is necessary to complete the project at home. Now comes the student's dilemma - how to "take" the project home. Well, for some it's possible to access his/her school folder from home but for others with Microsoft Vista this doesn't seem to work. Emailing the document to one's self isn't the most efficient means and memory sticks get lost.

Google Docs is another option. With Google Docs it's easy to store documents online. By doing so, the student can access the document from any computer (with an internet connection) anywhere in the world. Wow! That covers a lot of territory.

To learn more about Google Docs check out this video.

For more info and to start using Google Docs today visit this site: http://docs.google.com/

Sunday, April 27, 2008

April 28

Year 10 - Let's work on #'s 6 & 7.

According to Wikipedia, "To be "at sixes and sevens" is an English phrase and idiom, common in the United Kingdom. It is used to describe a state of confusion or disarray."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 23

Year 10 - Let's continue with the Investigation. Let's finish # 5 today!!!

5. Investigate different number systems ( 1 page ) Here you should look at base 2
(binary ), base 8 ( octal ), base 10 ( decimal ), ( hexadecimal ), and any higher number systems. You need to explain how a bigger/more complex number system would result in more information being represented with a smaller number of characters. Bigger number systems are therefore more efficient or what we call elegant in Computing. So, if your system has a large number of instructions, a bigger number system would be the way to go.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 21

Year 10 - let's follow through on our "YouTube Sharing Project". You have 20 minutes to ask the person sitting to your right for their blog address. Visit their blog, watch the video they would like to share, and make a comment on their post.

*Remember that we are a Community of Learning and as such we only comment positively to enhance someone's learning;-)

Now, back to the Investigation. #'s 2, 3 & 4 are due today.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 16

Year 10 - Let's get involved. Earth Day is April 22, 2008. According to Wikipedia Earth Day events "are intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth's environment." Let's give our 2 cents and participate.

The first thing we can do is add to the Voicethread which will be added to an Earth Day wiki.
1. So, I would like you to visit this site and register: http://voicethread.com
2. Browse: SDIS Earth Day - April 22, 2008
3. Click on the Voicethread
4. Click on Record
5. Allow
6. Speak

It's as easy as that;-)

Thanks Year 10 - you are stars. Now back to the Investigation portion of this program.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

April 14

Year 10 - We have 2 periods and 2 different tasks today.

1)You Tube is quite a phenomenon - mini movies at our disposal 24/7. I spend quite a bit of time keeping you on task and not allowing you to visit YouTube during class. However, I would like you to know that there is a time and place for such things - and Today Is That Day.

YouTube is also a tool that teaches. This video depicts part of a lecture delivered by a college professor, Dr. Randy Pausch, at Carnegie-Mellon University in November, 2007. He is offering good advice . . . I would like to share a video with you as I found it uplifting and valuable. I hope you do too.

To learn more about Dr. Randy Pausch please visit this site: http://download.srv.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch

Students today all have quite a repetoire of YouTube videos that they also think need to be shared. Not music videos because we all see those - but videos where we learn/experience/feel or videos to inspire us. Please share a video with us by posting it to your blog.

2) Thank you for sharing. Now, let's continue with our investigations. . .

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler

April 9

Year 10 - Before you continue with # 2, 3, 4 . . .

Student Rights and Responsibilities
-Arriving on time
-Meeting Commitments (handing in assignments on time)
-Behaving in a Respectful Way
-No inappropriate language

Investigation - #2, 3, 4 Due Wednesday April 16

Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 7

Year 10 - You have already started your Investigation. Today # 1 is due! Please finish and submit today. (Thank you)

1. Research the history of communicating information and produce a timeline (3+ pages)
This section should include everything right from prehistoric times until the present day. You should explain the reasons behind your 30 most significant choices. Remember the purpose of your research is to look at communication methods see how they developed / evolved to fulfill a particular need. Also state any natural patterns that have occurred and if any previous method could be of influence in your final solution. Remember it is not a History project and your research must have purpose!

Your deadline for #1 is Today - Monday April 7 at the end of class

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

1st DEADLINE - Investigate #1

Monday, April 7 - #1 from Investigation Due