Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 25

Year 10 - Time is up!

Let's finish up with the Evaluations.

Before you leave let's get things ready for moderation.
1- Make a table of contents
2- Include page numbers
3- Include a header with your name and the project
4- Include a Bibliography
Then reprint everything. I need an unmarked copy for Moderation purposes.
Thanks a bunch Year 10.

Have a wonderful summer!

See you in September!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

June 23

You should finish your Evaluate today.

Then we will have the fun of creating a Table of Contents and Bibliography page for your project. Remember we will print out a fresh FINAL copy of your document for moderation for next year.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 16/18

Welcome Back Year 10. It was a well deserved break and now we just have 3 more week of school left.

Before you get started, let's take a few minutes and look at this interesting article I came across:

What do you think about this? Reflect on this non-violent form of protest/non-cooperation.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 11

Year 10 - This is a great school week: Tuesday and Friday holidays;-) All this and Euro 2008 - what could be better?

In the meantime keep working on your projects. Wednesday June 18 is our target date to finish. . .

Monday, June 9, 2008

June 9

Year 10 - Keep pluggin' away - We are almost finished. You should be on the CREATE portion of your project.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 4

Activity Day - have a great day!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 2

Year 10 - Looking into the future is always fun.

Check out this link to hear what "those in the know" have predicted for the year 2058:

Take 10 minutes and make a prediction in your blog about the future.
We then have 3 more Presentations to watch.
Finally, finish the PLAN portion of your project (Flowchart and Gantt Chart).

Now, let's look into YOUR future for June.
June 4 - Activity Day - no classes
June 11 - Last day to resubmit Investigations for better grade (otherwise the original grade stands).
June 18 - Project Due Date
Remember when resubmitting work you need: 1) the original document, 2) the grading sheet, and 3) the new work;-)